As well as providing you with valid PRO data through use of our carefully designed measures, we are also able to help you interpret the results of your clinical trials and outcome studies. We are able provide an accurate interpretation of what the data show and what the implications are. We can provide the same service for data collected with non-Galen measures.

Our researchers have many years experience in conducting analyses of trial data and pioneer innovative approaches that provide the most accurate and reliable results. Accurate data analysis is vital in the quest to understand the impact of ill health and its treatment from the patient’s perspective, as well as in helping to determine factors such as patient satisfaction, reasons for non-compliance and the willingness of healthcare professionals to adopt new treatments.

PRO data from clinical trial and outcome studies provide rich data sources for assessing the effectiveness of treatments and exploring outcome from the patients’ perspective. We are also experienced in conducting secondary analyses on your data to ensure that you get the most from them.